Harrow Road
Torquay Street
Alfred Road
генплан, совмещенный с планом 1-го этажа | master plan integrated with the 1st lavel plan
«Мне инТересно будущее»| Лондон, Великобритания | Allford Hall Monaghan Morris | WestMINster AcAdeMy | фото tim soar, robert Parrish | текст евгения бахтурова
ситуационный план | site plan
«i’m iNTereSTed iN The FuTure» | Lon- don, great Britain | allford hall monaghan morris | Westminster academy | photos by Tim Soar, robert Parrish | text by eugenia Bakhturova The declaration of Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM) architectural company begins with the fact that the bureau was created as far as 1989 to design architecture that is pleasant to eyesight and convenient to use. The inter- esting thing is that the almost-twenty-year ex- perience allows the architects to concentrate, and even though almost every building car- ries social function, the AHMM buildings are mainly focused on it. The company’s projects are very different in form and scale, but educa- tion institutions and social residence houses hold a special place. And the phrase written on one of the main buildings of this academy, can serve as the motto of the whole project: «I’m interested in the future, because I’m go- ing to spend the rest of my life there». Westminster Academy is a new school in West London, in a pretty prestigious district, that can be used by more than a thousand children. The basic principles which the edu- cation here is built upon, are deeper study of
TorquayStree t
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