‘idiots on the stadium’ principle: they build on large spots of land, when the house becomes the object and the context in itself. Still, the four founders of an architectural bureau were not intimidated by the abovementioned diffi- culties and decided to build a summer house in the village of Vna. From the point of view of context alignment this example is rather successful both in form and in materials. As concerns the former, the architects used a classical cube for the villa. The cube was cut in accordance with the floors, and later the pieces were shifted against each other. The house is covered with a ridge roof and only the roof angle – almost 180 degrees – makes it invisible. The designers chose the simplest materials – concrete and wood. As the architects themselves say, their main goal was to develop a formal language that would consist of elements of traditional architecture but instantly identified as part of modern ar- chitecture. In terms of planning solution, the house fills in the empty space in the struc- ture, corresponding to the environment but not mimicking it. The usage of concrete was a good solution, as it could align the object to the environment and get rid of seams. The seemingly massive walls instantly remind of the cross-cultural archaic sense of the house, and the wooden facing with which concrete acts as a partner, means the warmth and coz- iness that are considered the basic qualities
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