of considerable quality and professional skills; photographers who have just graduated or those who have been professionally active for several years both were accepted to participate. They were trusted to make several portraits incorporating all the details characteristic of that genre: such as individuality, composition and reflecting the inner character of the sitter. K.M. LESSONS OF MASTER 08.03.07 – 28.05.07 Exhibition “Lessons From Bernard Rudofsky”, Architekturzentrum Wien, Austria. www.azw.at “Architecture is more than a question of technologies and esthetics, it is also about structure and intellectual living”, says an architect and a theoretician, author of a number of exhibitions and publications, resulting from travel and research (“Are Clothes Modern?” (1944), “Textiles USA”, (1956), “The Unfashionable Human Body” (1971), “Architecture Without Architects” (1964)). Studying the interaction of man and the environment, Rudofsky individualized each of those, differentiating their needs. It is the first exhibition in the world that was dedicated to life and works of a unique pioneer of contemporary architecture, but it was not composed to be a classical retrospect. Its objective is to capture the complexity of Rudofsky’s cosmopolitism and follow the development starting with cultural roots of the master to his enigmatic influence on the international architectural discourse. It is a well-rounded story of Bernard Rudofsky gives detailed information on his travel, architectural and design activities as well as arranging exhibitions, works as an author and a theoretician, and, eventually, his life that he shared with his wife Berta Rudofsky. K.M. THE ONLY ONES 20.01.07 – 02.05.07 Exhibition KAZUYO SEJMA + RYUE NISHIZAWA/SANAA, , MUSAC, Leon,
present, to Europe and the world? An international team of sixteen architects and urban designers enrolled at the Berlage Institute (Rotterdam) has been considering these questions since 2004. Every year, having undergone a strict selection, twenty five architects from all around the world carried out works under the supervision of the European and international architectural elite. Studies have resulted in a project specifically developed for Brussels as a capital of Europe. The project and the exhibition entitled “Vision of Brussels” takes obvious, hidden and neglected characteristics of the environment for the urban environment. The plan foresees the insertion into the city of a coherent ensemble of symbolic public buildings, urban functions, and new residential complexes spread over 9 strategic locations. The project reflects the effort to connect various social, spatial and cultural layers of the city with each other. K.M.
interaction of light with mass and volume, specifics of inclusion of light into space in various climatic conditions, e.g. there is lack of light in the north and abundance of light in the south, materiality and ephemeral qualities of light, and eventually its doubtless qualities as an important social aspect. Kengo Kuma, a Japanese architect, professor of Keio University in Japan, pointed out that the general tendency nowadays is to use artificial lights. And only then man starts to appreciate the natural light, which has been proven by projects. The first prize went to Luise Groenlund from Denmark who presented a project of a photography museum. Results of these recent years of work in the Laboratory of natural light simulation formed extensive knowledge database on qualities of light in architecture and its influence on visual perception of photography. Resulting from analyzing the process of photography and exposure means an idea emerged to use the metaphor of a camera as a basis of arranging the exhibition space. Conditions for optimal perception are arranged with the help of projecting a multilevel room imitating a camera chamber with numerous openings – “lenses”. These “lenses” direct light vectors of different quality and quantity to the exhibition space. That was the museum building turns into a tool that amplifies the phenomenological qualities of light. Gonzalo Pardo from Spain and Anastasia Karandinou representing Great Britain were awarded the second and the third prizes. “A Place for Reading” is a three-dimensional scheme, a certain spatial form. It’s author Gonzalo Pardo focused on the theory, conceptual architecture and experimental solutions. “Light Invisible Bridges” is a project by Anastasia Karandinou, which has been implemented as a combination of theoretical knowledge of light properties and a practical research done by the author in Shanghai. Light is used
Spain, www.musac.org.es
The Japanese team called SANAA is one of the most prestigious architectural bureaus on the international arena, who can develop architectural solutions that would stand tough competition and criticism. Projects and conceptual developments, including a replica of a residential building scaled 1:2, which have not been published before, are presented in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Castilla. Large transparent windows favoured by these architects destroy the border between the inner and the outer space and the hierarchybetween the structureand construction; they reconcile nature and architecture. The means of exposition allow to see constructive solutions of some objects both in replicas and in drawings, sketches, photos and videos following careers of each architect and of the established duet. At the same time design objects and furniture are presented: such as a well- known “Flower Chair”, “Hanahana Vase” and the Alessi tea set. The arrangement of the exhibition implies publishing a monograph containing architectural publications dedicated to SANAA and their works, an overview of objects, essays and articles about the exhibition and biographies of the architects. K.M. THE NEW CAPITAL 16.03.07 – 20.05.07 Exhibition “Imagining the Capital of Europe”, Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium. www.bozar.be This year Europe celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, which gave birth to the European Union. What is the true nature of the European presence in Brussels? What picture of itself does Brussels present, or needs to
Attaining a complex spatial gradation by means of simple architectural compound is based on exceptional mastery and perfect knowledge of light. This has been proved by SANAA numerous times; simple forms in their works always have unique spatial characteristics. Being talented and having deep understanding of such ephemeral material are the things that unite the winners and participants of the International VELUX 2006 Light of Tomorrow Award for architectural students and architects. Wide geography of the contest allowed to make a number of interesting conclusions, which are going to be a powerful incentive for evermore daring experiments in the future, such as the
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