issue have revealed the following three aspects: transformation of collective developments, which are eventually assigned to the architect’s creative experience; articles of architectural critics who see no importance in structures and vaguely perceiving their contribution into the project; and, lastly, professional argot existing in detached engineering communities. By the example of objects constructed in recent years the exhibition demonstrates results of the productive dialogue of the two disciplines. Engineers, among whom are Fazur Khan who often cooperated with SOM, or Cecile Belmont working as the jack of all trades with Rem Koolhaas, demonstrate to which extent architectural and cultural paradigms require such transformations and how these transformations are carried out. Superiority of architects remains unquestionable, but this presence of constructor’s experience in presentation in every project becomes more definite. K.M. 23.03.07 – 13.05.07 Exhibition “Building Portraits”, Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam, Holland, www.nai.nl Any building is a reflection of and is saturated with the spirit of those who conceive the original idea, design, inhabit and eventually demolish it. Photography has a great capacity to capture connections between people and buildings. Twelve talented young photographers were given a chance to act out relations between the building, its concept, its constructor and its user for several months and to illustrate their vision as to what the building means for man and what kind of feelings architecture can evoke. Participants have been chosen by competition of their portfolios declared by NAI, the Dutch Civil Engineering Committee and Ballast Nedam construction company. The main requirement to the candidates was a portfolio LINE TO LINE
CONTEMPORARY FUTUROLOGY 10.01.07 – 09.05.07 Exhibition “Le Nuage Magellan”, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, www.centrepompidou.fr Inspired by the sci-fi novel by Stanslav Lemm, curators of Centre Pompidou decided to draw parallels between the past and the future, the modernism and the contemporary. Comparing and matching works by modernist architects and contemporary artists, curators offered that the latter rephrase the objects by Oskar Hansen, a student of Le Corbusier and Fernand Leger. In his novel Lemm was constructing the communist society of the future. The narration itself and the way it is perceived create a canvas of reflection in respect to modernism, since the main thrust of this movement was construction of life. One needs to read anew and rewrite history and futurological studies of modernism in order to be able to perceive the present. This strategy has been reflected in works of Paulina Olowka who tries to put emblematic things of the 60s back into usage, Michael Hakimi who transfers architectural and urban landscapes into abstract forms, David Maljkovic who extends the borders of historicity and does a thankless job of making predictions, as well as in works of others. Zh.B. 14.03.07 – 20.04.07 Exhibition “Dialogue Entre Constructeurs”, Lausanne, Switzerland, http://enac.epfl.ch/ page64688.html of architects with engineers mostly depends on mutual trust and mastery. Discussions of this Fruitful cooperation A SILENT DIALOGUE
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