Мастера архитектуры • Илья Голосов
The book is devoted to I. A. Golosov (1883-1945), one of the greatest soviel archit.ects, who made a major contri bution into establishm ent and development o( modern architecture and had a clearly expressed crea tive credo. I. Golosov's years of lrainiug and his first original works are descri bed. The ma.star's works in tbe spirit of neoclassics in which he a ttempt ed to simplify the forms o( the neoclassica l order are analyzed. I. Golosov's role as the leader of the origi– nal crea tive school within the framewo1·k of symbolic aud ro– mantic searc hes is disclosed. A detailed analysis is made of lhe master 's lheory for con– str uction of architeclural organisms and the closely r elat ed theory of movement iu architecture th at became the basis for the creative schoo l headed by him in the 20s and early 30s. A coustruclivist stage in I. Golosov's ct·oativc work is dis-– cussed when he succeeded in competitions and was regarded oven as one of thi s movement 's leaders. I. Golosov's role in development of socially new types of residenti al and public building s is considered in detail: commu – ne hou se, housin g combin e, House of Soviets, Palace of Labor, etc. The book pr esents an analysis of the architect's departur e from constructivism (the 30s) and his participation in discus – sion on the attitude to the use of the architectural her itage of the past in modern projects. His projects of the mid-30s are as– sessed as post-cons tructivi s t ones - the reconstructed order forms are used in them along with classical compositional techniques. The book tells about the architect's last projects (monu– mouts aud a pan th eon lo those fallen in the Great Patriotic War), about his unfinished book on probl ems of architectural composition. I. Golosov's unfin ished man uscript (the 20s-early 30s) tha t has never been published befor e is given as a supplem ent to the book where a systematized account of his theory of const– ructing architectural organis ms is presented . .
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