LAB #2(41) 2008
architecture and feel the possibilities of new architecture. I like to the kind of lectures that would make me want to design something right after hearing it. How do you think is there any problem in contem- porary architecture? And is it excite you at all? I think the largest problem facing the con- temporary architecture is how to ascertain new architecture that is most befitting to the present epoch that is the era of information and the era of environmentalism. That is a big challenge. It is because the notions of “information” and “environment” did not exist during the Modern- ist Era about hundred years ago. Sometimes architects relate to their projects like to “possibility to assert oneself for customer’s money”. How do you relate to your customers? How deep do you dip to their life while projecting? It is part of my methodology to find new sense of value or new form of life-style through my dialogues with my clients. I am thus far very fortunate to meet clients that share my enthu- siasm in architecture I propose. In those cases, we become good friends and share common perspectives. Is there an object you will never agree to design? Why so? If one is to design, even if it is an object, I think it is worthwhile to contemplate and design with your utmost attention. Is there any country you would like to design for? Or place isn’t important? I think there are many discoveries and chal- lenges waiting for me as much as there aremany unknown countries. So, there are no specifically important places to me. I want to design in all kinds of places.
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