Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
56 A1is and Crafts in tЬе Middle Ages
around it, апd then six balasses, and t,velve groups of peaгls ,vith diamonds. Bгooches ,vere fгeqнently ,vom Ьу being stнck in thc hat. In а cuгious letter from James I. to his son, the monarch ,vrites: '' I seпd fог уоuг ,vearing the Tl1ree Brethreп" (evidently а gгонр of thгee stoпes)" ... Ьнt пe,vly set . . .,vl1ich I ,volde ,Yish you to ,vеаге аlопе iв your hat, \vith а Littel Ыасk feather." То Ьis favouгite Bнckiпgham Ье also seпds а diamond, sayiпg that l1is son ,vill leпd hiш also "an ankeг " iп all probability; but he adds: " If шу ВаЬее ,vill not sраге tl1e ankcr frош his Mistress, l1e may ,Yell leлd thee his roш1d b1·oocl1 to ,veare, and yett he shall have jewels to wea1·e in his hat for three g1·ate dayes." In the foшteenth апd fifteenth centшies the woшen wore nets in their hair, composed of gold thгeads adoгned with pearls. At first two small long rolls Ьу the temples ,vere confiнed in these nets: later, the wlюle back hair was gathered into а large circнlar arrangement. Thesf. nets wеге called frets - " а fret of pearls " ,vas con sideгed а sufficient legacy for а ducl1ess to leave to her daughter. In the constant resetting and changing of jewels, many iшportant шedimval speciшeлs, поt to mention exquisite vessels and clшrch furпiture, ,Yere melted down and done over Ьу Beпvenuto Cellini, especially at the time tЬat Роре Cleшent was besieged at thc Castle of St. Aпgelo. РrоЬаЫу tl1e most colossal je,Yel of ancient tiшes ,vas
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