Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
52 A1is and Crafts in tЬе l\:Iiddle Ages
One of the most 1·ешаrkаЫе pieces of Celtic jewelled woгk is tl1c Ьcll of St. Pat1·ick, \Yhich measures over ten incl1es in height. This saint is associated witl1 sепгаl Ьclls: one, called the Bгoken Bell of St. Brigid, hc used on his last c1·usade agaiнst the deшons of Ireland; it is said that when he foнnd his adve1·saries specially unyielding, he flung the bell with all his might into the thickcst of their гanks, so that they fled pre cipitately into the sea, leaving tЬс island free from tЪei1· aggressions for seven years, scveп months, and seven days. One of St. Patrick's bells is known, in Celtic, as the " white toned," ,vЬile another is called the " Ыасk sotшding." This is an early and cнrious instance of tЬе sub-conscioнs association of tl1e qualities of souвd "'ith tlюse of colour. Viollet lc Duc tells ho,v а Ыind шаn \vas askcd if he knew ,vhat thc colour red was. Не replied, " Yes: red is the sound of the trшnpet." And the great architect hiшself, \vhen а child, was ca1тied Ьу his nurse into the Cathcdral of Notre Dame in Paгis, \Vhcre he cricd \Yith tcrror because he fancicd tЬat the various oгgan notes "·hich he heard were beiвg hшled at him Ьу the stained glass windows, each one repгesented Ьу а different colour in the glass ! Внt the most famous bcll in connection with St. Patгick is the one kno\vn Ьу Ыs own namc and brought with his relics Ьу Columbkille only sixty years after the saint's deatЬ. The онtе1· case is an exceedingly rich example of Celtic \voгk. On а g1·ound of b!'ass, fine gold
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