Искусства и ремесла Средневековья



,УЕ are told that thc word "jc\vel" has come Ьу degrecs from Latin, t. hrough Fгcnch, to its prescnt form; it coшmenced as а "gaudiuш" (joy), and progrcssed through "jouel " and "joyau " to thc familiar word as ,ve have it. The fiгst objects to Ье made in the form of personal adornment wеге necklaces: this may hc easily under­ stoocl, for in ceгtain savage lands the necklace formed, and still forms, the cЬief fcature in feminine attire. In this little treatise, however, wc cannot deal with anything so primitive or so early: we nшst not cven take time to consider the exqпisite Greek and Roman jc,\"elгy. Amongst the earliest mcdimval jewels ,vc \Yill study the Anglo-Saxon and the Byzantiпc. Anglo-Saxon and Irisl1 je,Yel1·y is famous for delicatc filigгee, fine enamcls, anrl ftat gamets used in а very dccorative way. Nicllo was also employed to sоше extent. It is casy, in looking fгom the Bell of St. Patгick to the Book of Kclls, to see lюw thc illнminators "Yere influenced Ьу the goldsшiths in early times, - in Celtic a11d Anglo-Saxon work. 49

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