Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

34 Arts and Crafts in tЬе l\Iiddle Ages

,vas trained as а goldsmith originally, his father having been the inventor of а prctty fashion tЬen prevailing aшong young girls of Florcnce, and beiпg tЬе maker of those golden garlands worn on thc heads of шaidens. The name Ghirlandajo, indeed, was derived froш thcse garlands (ghiгlaпdes). Francia began life as а goldsmith, too, and ,vas never in after lifc ashamed of his 1 professioп, fог he often signed his ,vorks Francesco Francia Aurifex. Francia was а vегу skilful workman in niello, and in cnamcls. In fact, to quotc the cnthusiastic Vasari, " he executed everything that is most bcautiful, and ,vhich can Ье регformed iп tliat агt more perfectly than апу other master had ever done." Baccio Baldini, also, ,vas а goldsmith, although а greater portion of l1is abllity \Yas turned in the diгection of engraving. His pupil Maso Finniguerra, who turned also to engraving, began his career as а goldsmith. The great silver altar in tl1e Baptistery ip Florencc occupied nearly all the goldsmitl1s in that city. In 1330 the father of thc Orcagnas, Cione, died; hc had ,vorked for some усагs before that on the altar. In 1366 thc altar was destroyed, but the parts in bas-relicf Ьу Cione ,vere retained and incorporated into tl1e ne,v work, which was finished in 1478. Ghiberti, Oгcagna, Veroc­ chio, and Pollajuolo, all executed various details of this magnificent monument. Goldsmiths did not qнite change their staпding and characteristics until late in the sixteenth century.

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