Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

24 Arts and Crafts in the l\1iddle Ages

intcnded for the donors, Emperor Henry and his queen, Cuпegнnda. Silversшith's woгk in Spain was largely in Byzantine style, \Vhile somc specimens of Gothic and Roman агс also to Ье secn tl1e1·e. Moorisl1 influence is noticeaЫe, as in all Spanish design, and filigree work of Oriental oгigin is frequently to Ье met ,vith. Some speciшens of chaшpleve enaшel are also to Ье seen, though this art was generally confined to Limoges duriпg the Middle Ages. А Guild ,vas foгmed in Toledo wblch was in flourishing condition iп 1423. An interesting docншent has been fouпd iп Spain showing that craftsmen were sнpplied with the пecessary mateгials when engaged to шаkе valuaЫe figures for the decoration of altaгs. It is dated :Мау 12, 1367, " I, Sancho :Мaгtinez ОгеЬsс, silversmith, пative of Seville, iпfогш you, the Dean апd Chapter of the cl1шch of Seville, that it ,vas agгeed that I шаkе an image of St. Магу with its taberпacle, that it should Ье finished at а given time, and that you wеге to give mc the silver ашl stones required to make it." In Spain, tl1e most splendid tгiuшphs of tl1e gold­ smith's skill were the " custodias," 01· la1·ge tabernacles, iп which the Host ,vas caгried iп processioп. The finest was one made fш Toledo Ьу Enrique d'Агрhе, in com­ petition with otl1e1· cгaftsmen. His desigп being choseп, he began his woгk in 1517, апd in 1524 tl1e custodia \Vas fi11isl1ed. It ,vas in the form of а Gothic temple, six sided, ,vith а jewelled c1·oss оп tl1e top, and was eig11t

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