Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Gold апd Silver


Italy, in 1122, he learned at the same time of the death of his spiritual father, Abbot Adam, апd of his own election to Ье his successor. Не thus stood at the head of the convent of St. Denis i11 1123. This was due to his nоЫе character, his genius for diplornacy and his artistic talent. Не was minister to Louis VI., and aftervvards to Louis VII., and during the second Crusade, he was made Regent for the kingdom. Suger was known, after this, as the Father of his Country, for he was а courageous counsellor, firm and convincing in argument, so that the king had really been guided Ьу his advice. \Vhile he was making laws and instigating crusades, he was also directiпg craft shops and propagating the arts in connection with the life of the Clшrch. St. Bernar(l denounced him, as encouraging too luxurious а ritual; Suger made а characteгistic reply: " If the ancient law ... ordained tliat vessels and cups of gold slюuld Ье used for libations, and to receive the Ыооd of rams, ... how much rather should we devote gold, precious вtones, and the гarest of mate1·ials, to those vessels which are destined to contain the Ыооd of Our Lord." Suger ordered and himself made most beautiful appointшents for the sanctuary, and ,vheн any vessel al1·eady owned Ьу the АЬЬеу was of costly шaterial, and yet unsuitaЫe in style, he had it remodelled. An interesting instance of tl1is is а certain antiqнe vase of red porphyry. Tl1ere vvas пothing ccclesiastical аЬонt this vase; it was а plain straight Greek jar, witl1 two handles at the sides. Sugcr treated it as the body of

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