Искусства и ремесла Средневековья



Nevers, Count of, 194 Nicolas, J., 33

Marcel, St., 238 Marcellнs, 65 l\larche, L. de la, 341 lIaretta, G., 8 Mariaвa, Queeп, 270 Mark's, St,., 318, 323, 361 Marten, 66

Niello, 49, 99 102 Noшenticuш, 166 No1·folk, 31 Norman style, 29

Nortoп,С. Е.,219,226 Norwicl1, 45,196, 331 Notre Dаше, Paris, 218, 234, 238, 240 Nоуов,58, 60 Nuremberg,141, 1.52, 258, 259, 266, 292, 309 Oath Book of the Saxon Kings, 346 Oclericus,311 Odo, golclsшith, 14, 27 Ollo, Abbot, 115 Olivetaпs, 307-308 Orcagna,34,140,183,227 Orebsc, S. М., 24 Orgl1et., J., 166 Oriental, 24, 84 Orleans, 33 Orso Magister, 222 Orvieclo, 278 Orv�t� 33, 22� 24� 30� 310 Osmont, 204 Otlilonus,3.56 Otlю, 230, 286 Otto 111., Emperor, 16 Oucleвardes, 169 Ouen, St., 58 Oxford, 168, 210, 248, 255, 354

Martin, St., 17, 87 Martyr,Вр., 240 Магу, Queen of Scots, 210 Maskell, А. and ,v., 32, 186, 294 Massari, А., 306 l\1atilda, Queen, 155 Matsys, Q., 118, 141 Matteo da Siena,300 Maxiшian,282 Medici, The, 85, 176, 211, 254, 301 11eшlinc, 166 Иexicans,18 Michael, St., 18, 19 Micl1elangelo, 9, 90, 116, 2.54, 303

Лiilan, 281,307 Mildmay, Н.,67

.Мiвella, Р. de, 299 Miniato, Sап,298 Miserere Stalls, 271-275 "Mons Meg," 1::Ю Monte Cassi.110, 318 Moвte1·eau,J. de, 240 Moнtfort, S. de, 63 Montai·sy, Р, de, 35 Monza,23, 63, 221 .Моnzов,146 )1oore,Charles,xi, 234 Moorish style, 24 )Ioreau, J., 241 Morel, В., 135 Mo1·tlake, 178 Morris, "\.Vm., v, х, 248

Pacheco, 25 Padua, 305 Pala d'Oro, 23, 97, 98 Palermo,311 ' 1 Рапсаkе Man," 245

Иoryson, F., 26 Mt. Athos, 341 l\1ose1·, L., 266 Mosaic, 309-327

Paris,2, 17,20-23,26,37,52,69, 86,113,149,166,186,200,218, 229, 234, 238, 239, 240, 339 Paris, Matthew, 27, 180, 207 Parma, 221 Pat,ras,L., 139 Patrick, St.,2,49, .52, 145, 238 Paul tl1e Deacon, 221 Paulнs, 315

Nantes, 314 Nassaro, М. dal, 88

Naнmberg, 259 Navagiero, 183

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