Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

16 Arts and Crafts in the �Iiddle Ages

many of the valuaЫe things ,vith ,vhich he was sur­ rounded ,vere taken a,vay. The throne was deпuded of its gold, and шау Ье seen to-day in the Cathedral at Aachcn, а simple marЫe chair plain and dignified, with the copper joints showing its construction. М:аnу of the relics of CЬarlemagne are in the treasury at Aachen, among other interesting iteшs, the boncs of the right arm of the Emperor in а goldeп shrine in the form of а hand and arm. The1·e is а thrill in contemplating the remains of the right arm of Charlemagne after all the centuries, ,vhen one 1·emembers the swords and sceptres which have been ,vielded Ьу that mighty member. The reliquary containing the right а�·ш of Charlemagne is German work (of course later than the opening of the tomb), рrоЬаЫу bet,veen 115.5 and 1190. Frederic Barbarossa and his ancestors are represented on its ornamentation. Thcre is little golclsmith's work of the Norman period in Great Britain, for that was а time of the bнildiпg of large structures, and рrоЬаЫу minor arts and peгsonal adornment took а secondaгy place. Perhaps thc most satisfacto1·y display of medireval ai·ts and crafts which may Ье seen in опе city is at Нildesheim: the special richness of remains of the tenth century is owing to the life and example of an early Ьishop-Bernward- who rпled the See from 993 to 1022. Before he ,yas шаdс Ьishop, BerшYard ,vas tнtШ' to the young EmperШ' Otto III. Нс ,vas а stu�ent of art all his life, and а pгactical craftsшaв, ,voгking

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