Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

14 Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages

were more endo,ved ,vith p1·ecious fшпishings than most of the chшches of other nations, and еvегу faшily possessed а massivc silver tаЫе, and solid vases and plate. The Empcror Theop}lilus, ,vho lived in the ninth century, was а great lover of tЬе arts. His palace was built after the Arablan style, and he had skilful mechan­ ical experts to constrнct а golden tree over his throne, on the branches of ,v}1ich were nuшerous Ьirds, and two golden lions at the foot. These Ьirds were so arranged Ьу clockwork, that they could Ье шаdе to sing, and the lions also joined а roar to the chorus ! А great designeг of the Middle Ages was Alcuin, tl1e teacher of Clшrlemagne, who lived from 735 to 804; he superinteпdcd the building of many fine speciшcn:s of church plate. TJ1e school of Alcuin, however, was more famous for illшnination, and ,ve shall speak of Ыs work at more length wl1en " r e соше to deal witl1 that subject. Another distingнis}1cd patron of a1·t was the Abbot Odo of Clнny, who lшd originally bcen destiпed for а soldier; Ънt he was visited with ,vhat Maitland describes as "an inveterate Ьeadache, ,vhich, from his seventcenth to his nineteenth year, defied all medical skill," so he and his parents, convinccd that this was а manifcstation of the disappro\·al of Heaven, decided to devote his life to religious pursнits. Не bccame Abbot of Cluny in the year 927. Examples of ninth centшy goldsшithing are гаге.

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