Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
Aгts and Cгafts in the l\Iiddle Ages
ever you wish, and taking а slender ductile instrument, and а small hammer, dcsign that which you have por trayed around it Ьу striking lightly." Tl1is process is practically, on а larger scale, ,vhat Cellini describes as that of " шinuterie." Cellini praises Caradosso beyond all otl1eгs in this ,vork, saying "it ,vas just in this very gettiпg of the gold so equal all over, that I never knew а man to beat Cara(losso ! " Нс tells ho,v impor tant this equality of sшface is, for if, in the ,vorking, tЬе gold became thicker in опс placc than iп anotheг, it was impossiЫe to attaiп а peгfect finish. Cara dosso made first а ,vax model of tl1e object whi"h he ,vas to make; this lie cast in сорре1·, апd оп tha ·j l1e laid his thin gold, beating апd modelliпg it to �he forrn, until the small hollow bas-гclief was co:np:ete. The WOI'k was done ,vith \Yooden and steel tools of sшall propoгtions, sometiшes pгessed fгош the back and sometiшes from the fгонt; " сvег so much са�·е is necessaгy," ,vгites Cellini, " ...to prevent tl1e gold from splitting." After tl1e model ,vas bгought to such а point of rclief as "·as sпitaЫe fог the design, great саге liad to Ье exercised in extending t.Ьс gold further, to fit behind l1eads апd arms in spccial гelief. In those days tl1e whole film of gold ,vas then put in the furnace, and fired until tlie gold Ьсgап to liqпefy, at whicl1 exact moment it ,vas necessaгy to remove it. СсШпi himself made а medal f 01' Girolaшo Maгctta, representing Herculcs and the Lion; the figures ,Уегс iп such hi � h relief that they only touched thc g1·ound at а few points.
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