Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

6 Arts and Crafts i11 the Middle Ages

of stones." No wonder the autlюrities are lost in con­ jectшe as to the native place of the versatile Theoph­ ilus ! Aftcr promising all thesc delightful things, the good old шонk continues, " Act thcгefore, \Ycll inten­ tioned шаn, ...haste11 to coшplete with all thc study of thy mind, tlюse things \Vhich are still \vanting among the utensils of tЬе House of tЬе Lord," and he enume1·­ a.tes the various pieces of church plate in use in the Middle Ages. Directions are given Ьу Tl1eophilus fог the ,voгk­ room, the benchcs at which tl1e smiths аге to sit, and also the most шiпute technical rccipes fог "instrшnents for sculping," for scraping, filiпg, and so forth, until tl1e "'orkshop should Ье fittcd with all neccssary tools. In those days, ai·tists began at the very beginniпg. There were no tt \Vin�sor and Ne,vtons," no пiсе makers of dividers and T-squares, to v,}юш one could apply; all implemeпts must Ье constrнcted Ьу the шаn ,vho conteшplated нsiнg them. \Ve will see ho,v Theophilus proceeds, after he has his tools in readiness, to construct а chalice. First, he puts the silYer iп а cruciЫe, and when it has become ftuid, he tнrns it into а mould in which there is ,vax (this is evideпtly the "cire perdu " process familiar to casters of every age), апd tl1en he says, " If Ьу some negligence it should happen that the шelted silver Ье not whole, cast it again until it is whole." This process of casting ,vould apply eqнally to all шetals. TЬeophilнs instructs his craftsman how to шаkе the

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