Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

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also given in Gl1iberti's words: " The palm of victory "vas concedecl to me Ьу all judges; and Ьу thosc \Yho competed \Yitl1 me. Universally all tl1e glOl'y was given to me without any exception." Symonds considers the first gate а supreшe accom­ plishшent in bronze casting, but CI·iticizes tl1e other, and usually more admired gate, as "oYerstepping the limits that separate sculpture f1·0111 painting," Ьу '' massing togetheг figшes iп multitudes at thгee апd soшetiшes four clistances. Не tгied to шаkе а place in bas-relief for peгspective." Sir Joshua Reynolds finds fault ,vith Glliberti, also, for ,voгking at Yariance \Yith tl1e severity of scнlptural treatшent, Ьу distгibuting small figuгes in а spacious landscapc fгame,vork. It ,vas not 1·eally in accordaвce witЬ tl1e limitations of llis шaterial to treat а bronze castiпg as Ghibe1·ti treated it, and his ехашрlе Ьаs led шапу mеп of inferiOl' genius astray, although there is no use in Jenying that Gblberti himself was cleveг епонgh to defy the usual standaгds and rules. Fonts were soшetiшes шаdе in bгonze. There is such а one at Liege cast Ьу Laшbert Patras, which staпds upon twelve oxen. It is decoгatcd ,vit,h reliefs frош the Gospels. This artist, Patгas, was а native of Dinaпt, and lived in the twelftl1 centшy. ТЬе bronze font iн Hildesheim is among the most inte1·esting late Roman­ esque exaшples iп Germany. It is а large deep basin entirely covered ,vitЬ enricl1ment of Scriptural scenes, анd is supported Ьу four kпeeling figures, typical of the

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