Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

136 Arts and Crafts in tЬе l\Iiddle Ages

astical ai·chitecture. The gates of St. Paolo Fuшi lc l\Iшa iп Rоше \\"е1·е made in 1070, in Constaпtiпople, Ьу Staшacius the Fонпdсг. :Мапу aнtЪoгities thiпk tlшt tlюse at St. l\iaгk's iп Yenice ,vегс similaгly рго­ dнсеd. Тlш bгonzc tlooгs in Rоше аге coшposed of fift.y-foш sшall designs, поt iп гclief, but ,vitl1 thc out­ liпes of tl1e subjects iпlaid ,vith silveг. The dooгs аге in Byzantiпe taste. ТЬе Ьго11zе dooгs at Hildesheim cliffer from nearly all other sucЬ poгtals, in the elemeпtal pгinciple of dcsign. Instead of being divided into small panels, they are simply Ыocked off into seven long horizoпtal coш­ partments on each side, and tЬеп filled with а pictшial arraпgement of sepaгate figures; only tlлee ог four iп rach panel, \Videly spaced, апd оп а background of very lo,v relief. Thc figшes are applicd, at scattered distances apart, апd arc in unusually Ьigh modelling, in sоше cases beiпg alшost detached fгош the door. The effect is curious апd iпteгesting ratlieг thaп stгictly beautiful, on tl1e whole; but iп detail шаву of the figures display rare роwег of plastic skill, propoгtion, апd actioп. They аге, at any гаtе, Уегу indiYiclual: theгe аге no otheг doors at all like tl1eш. They are the \voгk of Bishop Bernward. UnqнestionaЬly, one of the gгeatest achieYements in bronze of апу age is the раiг of gates Ьу Lorenzo Ghiberti on the Baptistery iп Florence. Twenty-one ycars \Vere deYoted to their making, Ьу Ghiberti and his assistants, ,Yith the stipнlation that all figures in the design \\·егс to Ье personal ,vork of the шaster, the

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