Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
122 Arts and Сгаfts in the l\1iddle Ages
has, at any rate, seen а pine cone still g1·een. These are equally like in appearance to tl1e sшface of this armour." These horny scales of tough hoofs undouЬtedly sug gcsted, at а later date, tЪе use of thick leatheг as а foгm of protection, ашl the gradual evolution may Ье imagined. The агt of the aгmoнrer ,Yas iв ea1·ly шedi�val tiшes the агt of tl1e chain шaker. The cl1ain coat, or coats of mail, reacЬed in early days as far as the knees. Finally this developed into an епtiге coveгiвg for the man, ,vith hcad gcar as well; of coнrsc tЬis form of amюur allo,ved of no real oгnamcntatioп, for there "ras no space larger than the links of the chaiп upon ,vhicЬ to bestow deco- 1·atio11. Each link of а coat of mail ,vas brought mнnd into а гing, the еш1s oyeгlapped, and а little riYet in seгted. "\Varriors trusted to по solde1· or otЬer шоdе of fasteпing. All the шagnificeпce of knigl1tly apparel was concentrateli in the sнrcoat, а splendid embroideгed or gem-decked tunic to the knees, which ,vas ,vorn оvег the coat of mail. These sнrcoats were often t1·iшmed ,Yith costly fшs, erшine ш vaiг, the latteг being similar to ,vhat '\\'е no,Y саП squi1·1·el, being part g1·ay апd part ,vhite. Cindeгella's famoнs slippeг was шаJе of " Yair," \vhicl1, th1·ough а misappreliensioн in being t1·anslated " vе1те," has become kno,vn as а glass slipper. Afte1· а Ьit, the шаkегs of armoш discovered that mнch tedious labor in clшin шaking might Ье spared, if one introdнced а laгge plate of solid metal on the chest and back. This \Yas iп the thirteenth century.
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