Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
114 Arts апd Сгаfts in the �iiddle Ages
The design is supposed to repгesent the Eaгthly Para dise. Sauval says: " Tl1e sculptпred Ьiгds and orпa ments are marvellous. They агс made of ,vгoнght iгon, the invention of Biscorпette and ,vhicl1 died ,vith him. Не worked the i1·оп with an almost incrediЫe industry, rende1·ing it fiexiЫe and tractaЫe, and gave it all the forms and scгolls he ,vished, ,vitl1 а 'dоuсепг et une gentillesse' which surprised and astonished all the sшitЬs." Tl1e iron masteг Gacgaгt broke off fгagшents of tl1e iron, and no meшber of tl1e cгaft has еvег been аЫе to state with certainty jпst ho,v the woгk was accom plished. Some thiпk that it is cast, and then treated ,vith the file; others say that it must have been executed Ьу casting entire, \Yith no solde1·ing. In any case, the secret \Vill never Ье divulged, for no опс was in the con fidence of Biscornette. Norman Ыacksшiths and woгkeгs in wгought iron were more plentiful than goldsшiths. They had, in those warlike times, more call for arms ancl tl1e massive pгoducts of the forge than for gaudy jewels and tаЫе appointments. One of the dooгs of St. Albaп's АЬЬеу displays the skill of Norman smiths dealing with this stalwart form of ornament. Among special artists in iron whose naшes have sur vived is that of Jеhап Tonquin, in 1388. Earlier thaп that, а cutleг, Thoшas de Fieuvillier, is 1nentioned, as haviпg fiourished about 1330. Elaborate iron work is гаге in Germany; thc Germans always excelled rather in bronze than in the sterner
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