Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
108 Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages
used in miniature work. Не says " То make а plate for the artist to paint upon: а piece of gold or copper being chosen, of requisite dimensioпs, and varying from about / 8 to Л of an inch in thickness, is covered with pulveгized enamel, and passed thгough the fire, нntil it becomes of а white heat; aпother coating of enamel is then added, and the plate again fired; after ,vai·ds а thin layer of а substance called flux is laid upon the surface of the enamel, and tl1e plate undergoes the action of heat for а third time. It is now геаdу for the painter to commence his picture upon." Leonard Limoнsin painted from 1532 until 1574. Не used the pгocess as described Ьу William of Essex (,vhich afteпvards became very popular for miniatur ists), and also coшposed ve1·itaЫe rict,ures of his own design. It is out of our proviпce to trace the history of the Limoges enaшelleгs after this period.
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