Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

98 Arts and Crafts in the l\fiddle Ages

reigningwas added to it. The Byzantine range of colours was copious; tЬеу had \vhite, two reds, bright and dark, dark ahd light Ыuе, green, violet, yellow, flesh tint, and Ыасk. These tints were al,vays fused separately, one in each cloison: the Gгeeks in this pcriod neve1· tried to Ыend colouщand шоrе thaн one tint neveг appears in а coшpartment. The enlarging and iшproving of thc Pala d'Oro ,Yas carricd on Ьу Gгeek artists in Venice in 1105. It \Yas twice alteгed afteг that, once in the fourteenth ccntury for Dandolo, and thus the pure Byzantinc typc is some,Yhat invaded Ьу the Gothic spirit. The 1·estorations in 1345 were presided over Ьу Gianшaгia Boniнsegпa. One of tlю most noted speciшens of enamel ,vork is on the Crown of Charlemagne, 1 which is а шagnificeвt structure of eight plaques of gold, joined Ьу hinges, and surшounted Ьу а c1·oss in the front, and an arch cгossing the whole like а rib froш back to front. The other cross rib has been ]ost, but originally the cro,Yn \vas arched Ьу two ribs at the top. The plates of gold are ornaшented 1 one with je,vels, and filigree, and the next with а large figure in enamel. These figures are similar to those occurring оп the Pala d Ого. The Shrine of the Three Кings in Cologne is decorated both with ·cloisonnc , and champleve enamels, - ан unusual circumstance.. In Aix la Chapelle the shrinc of Charlemagne is ехtгешеlу like it in sоше respects, but the only enaшels are in champlev·e. Good examples 1 See Fig. 1.

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