Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
94 Arts and Cl'afts in the l\iiddle Ages
Champleve enamel has somewhat the sаше effect as the cloisonne, Ьнt the евd is attained Ьу different шeans. ТЬе outline is left iп шetal, and tlic whole background is снt а\\·ау and sнnk, thus making tЬе Ьollo,v chaшbel's fnr thc vitreous paste, iп one piece, instead of Ьу шeans of ,vireq. Often it is not easy to determine ,vЬich шethocl has been cшployecl t.o pI'oduce а given work. Painted enaшels ,vere not cmployed in tЬе eaгliest tiшes, Ьнt came to pe1·fectioв in the R,enaissaпce. А tгaпslнccnt eпamcl prevailecl espccially in Italy: а low 1·elief ,,·as шасlе with tl1e graver on gold ш silvc>г; fiпe шised lines ,vere lcft herc and there, to sepaгatc the coloшs. ТЬеrеfшс, ,vhere tЬс cutting was decpeRt, tЬе cnamel гаn tЬickeг, and conseqнently clarker in colour, giving tЬе effect of shadiвg, ,vЬile in reality only опс t,int lшd Ьееп used. The powtlered and шoisteпed eпamel was spread eveпly ,vith а spatula ove1· the ,vholc sнrface, and allowcJ to stand·in thc kiln нntil it liqucfied. Апоthег form of enamel ,vas used to соlош gold woгk in гclief, ,vith а permaneпt coating of transparent соlош. Sometimes tЬis coloнr was applicd in se, r cгal coats, onc upon another, and the featшes painted with а later touch. :Мuch enamelled jewelry was made in this way, figures, dragons, and animal forms, being among the most familiar. But an actнal enaшcl painting - on the principlc of а picture, was rendcred in still anothe1· ,vay. In preparing tl1e ground for enamel paintiпg, there arc two things which havc bcen cssentially con- 9idel'ed in all times and countries. The enaшel groнвd
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