Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

92 Arts апd C1·afts in the l\1iddle Ages

he writes, " are skilled iп fнsing coloшs on Ьeated bгass, whicl1 becorne as l1ard as st.one, апd rende1· tl1e omaшent thнs produced dнrable." Enamels have special clшracteristics iп different periods: iн the late teнth century, of Byzaнtiuш апd Germany; in the eleveпtl1 ceпtury, of Italy; ,vhile most of the later \York o\\·es its leading cЬaгacteгistics to the French, althougЬ it continнed to Ье produced in the other countries. It r1elps опе to understand the differences апd siшilaгi­ ties in enamelled ,vork, to obseгve thc three geпeral forшs in which it is employed; these ai·e, tЬе cloisoппe, the champleve, ancl tЬе paiпted епашеl. Тhеге аге шапу subdivisions of these classificatioпs, but fш our purpose these thтee ,vill suffice. In cloisoпne, the опlу mа1111ег kno\\'П to the G1·eek, Anglo-Saxoп, and Celtic c1·aftsшe11, tl1e pattem is made upon а gold grouпd, Ьу little upгigЬt ,viгe lines, like filigree, the enamel is fнsed iпto all tl1e little compaгt­ ments tlшs forшecl, еасЬ Ьit being one clea1· colour, on tЬе principle of а шosaic. Тlю colouгs ,vеге al,vays гathe1· clear and crшle, but ai·e tl1e тоге siпcere and decшative оп this account, tl1e ,vогkег гecogпizing fi·ankly the limi­ tation of tl1e mateгial; апd t]1e gold outline harrnonizes the who]e, as it does in any fогш of a1-t work. А cloi­ sonne enamel is practically а mosaic, in which the sepa­ rations consist of narro,v bands of шetal instead of plaster. The eнarnel ,vas applied in its po,vdered st_ ate on the gold, ancl tl1en fused all togetl1er in the furnace.

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