Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Je,velry and Precious Stones


tl1e possibilities of tl1is stone that he has made the red patches to соше in suitaЫe places to portray drops of Ыооd. Matteo ,vorked also in Paгis, in 1531, ,vhere he formed а school and cгaft s11op, and ,vhe1·e he was after­ wards made Engгaver of the l\'lint. Vasari tells of an ingenious piece of \VOl'k Ьу Matteo, wheгe he has carved а chalcedonyinto а l1ead of Dejanira, with the skinof the lion аЬонt it. Не says, "In the stone there was а vein of rcd colouг, апd here the aгtist has шаdе the skin turn over . . . and he has represented this skiпwith such exactitude that the Rpectator imagines himself to behold it ne,vly tol'll froш the ani rp al ! Of anotheг mark he has availed hiшself, for the hair, and the white parts he has taken fог the face and breast." М:atteo \Yas an independent spiгit: when а baron once tried to beat hiш dovv11 iп his price f01· а gem, he refused to take а sшall sнm for it, but asked the· Ьаrоп to accept it as а gift. When tЬis offer was refused, and the noЫe­ man insisted upon giving а low price, Matteo deliberately took his hamшer and shattered the cameo into pieces at а single Ыоw. Нis шust have been an unhappy life. Vasari says that he " took а \Yife in France and bccame the father of child1·en, but they were so entirely dis­ similar to hiшself, tl1at he had but little satisfaction from them." Another famous lapidary was Valerio Vicentino, who carved а set of crystals \\·hich we1·e made into а casket for Роре Clement VII., while for Paul III. he made а carved crystal cross and chandelier.

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