Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

86 Arts and Crafts in tЬе l\1iddle Ages

Мг. _Cyril Davcnport's dcfinition of а cameo is qпite satisfactory : " А small sculpture exccuted in low relief upon some substance precious eitl1cr fш its beauty, rarit r , ог haгdness." Cameos are usually cut in опух, the different layeгs апd stгatifications of colour being cut away at diffeгent depths, so that the sculpture appcars to Ье гendered in one соlош on anotheг, and sometimes three or four layers are гecognized, so that а shaded effect is oЬtained. Ceгtain pearly sl1clls аге sometimes used fог сашео cutting; these wсге popular in Italy in the fifteenth centuгy. In Grcece апd Rome the art of cameo cutting was b1·ougllt to astonishing peгfection, the sardonyx being frequently used, and often cut in five different coloшed layers. An enormous antique cameo, measuring over nine inches across, mayЬе seen inVienna; it represents the Apotheosis of Augustнs, авd the scenc is cut in two rows of spirited figшes. It dates fгош thc fi1·st century А. D. It is iв dark bгo,,vn and white. Among the t1·easures of the art-loving Henry III. was а "great cameo," in а golden case; it was worth two hнndred pounds. This cameo \Yas supposed to compete with а celebrated work at Ste. Chapelle in Paris, which had been brought Ьу Eшperor Baldwin II. from Con­ stantinople. In Paris was а flourishing guild, the " Lapidaгies, Jewel Cutters, and Engravers of Cameos and Hard Stones," in the thirteenth century; glass cutters ,vere included in this body for а time, but after 1584 the гe­ vised laws did not perшit of any imitative work, so glass

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