Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
82 ..tu·ts апd Cгafts iн tl1e l\Iiddle Ages
ice of great age haгdened iпto stone, is tгiшmed and polisl1ecl in tl1is maвner." Не then directs the нsе of sandstone and emery, chiefly used Ьу rubblng, as one might infcr, to polish the stones, рrоЬаЫу еп cabochon as ,vas tl1e шethod in Ьis tiшe; this style of finish on а gеш was called " tallo,v cutting." But ,vl1en 011с wishes to scпlp cгystal, TheopЬilus informs one: "Takc а goat of two or tlлec yeal's ... make an opening betweeв his brcast and stomach, in thc position of tl1e heart, апd ]ау in tl1e cгystal, so that it шау lie in its Ыооd пntil it gro,v wai·ш ...спt what you please iп it as loпg as the heat lasts." Jнst l10w шаnу goats ,vеге required to thc finishiпg of а sculptшcd cгystal ,voulrl Ье deteгmiпecl Ьу tЬе elaboгat.ion of thc dcsign ! Uп fortнnately Aniшal Rescuc Leagues hacl not invaded the monasterics of the elcventh ccntury. In sculptшing glass, the ingcnuoнs Theophilus is. qнite at his bcst. " Aгtists ! " he exclaiшs, " ,vho wish to engгave glass in а beautiful manneг, I now can teach you, as I l1ave myself шаdе trial. I have sought the gгoss ,vorшs �·hich the ploпgh turns пр in the ground, and the art пecessary in these things also Ьid me procure vinegar, апd the w�rm Ыооd of а lusty goat, which I was careful to place undcr the roof fог а short time, bound witЬ а st1·0I1g ivy plant. After this I infused the worms and vinegar with the warm Ыооd and I anointed the whole clearly shiniпg vesscl; which being donc, I essayed to sculp the glass witЬ the hard stoвc called the Pyrites." ,vhat а pity good Theophilнs had not beguп
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