Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

74 Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages

The eaгliest diamond-cutter is frequently mentioned as Louis de Berquem de Bruges,iп 1476. But Laborde finds earlier recOl'ds of the art of cutting this gеш: tl1ere was in Paris а diamond-cutter named Herman, in 1407. Tl1e diamond cutters of Paris were quite nuшerous in that уеаг,and lived in а special clistrict known as " la Courarie, where reside the ,vorkeгs iп diaшonds anJ other stones.'' Finger rings almost. deserve а history to theшselves, for their foгms and styles are legion. Rings were often made of glass in the eleYenth centшy. Theophilus tells in а graphic and interesting manne1· how they we1·e eonstrнcted. Не гecommends tl1e use of а bar of iron, as thick as one's finger, set in а wooden Ьandle," as а lance is joined in its pike." Tl1ere should also Ье а large piece of wood,at tl1e " r oгker's right haпd," the thickness of ап arm,dug into the groнnd, and reaching to tЬе top of the window." On the left of tЬе furnace а little clay trench is to Ье provided. "ТЬсп,the glass being cooked," one is adшonished to take the little iron in the wooden handlc,dip it into the molten glass,and pick up а small poгtion,and "prick it into the wood, that the glass may Ье pierced through,and instantly warm it in the flame,and strike it t�Nice пров the wood, tlшt the glass may Ье dilated,and \Yith quickness revolve your hand witl1 the same iron; " when the ring is thus formed,it is to Ье qнickly thгown iвto the trench. Theopllilus adds," If you wish to vary your rings with other colours ...take ...glass of another

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