Искусства и ремесла Средневековья


ТнЕ very general and keen interest in the revival of arts and cгafts in America is а sign fuH of promise and pleasшc to those \vho are working among thc so-called minoг arts. One reacls at every turn how greatly Ruskin and Moпis have influenced handicraft: how шuch these шеn and their co-woгkers haye modified the appearance of our streets and lюuses, our materials, textiles, нtensils, and all other usefнl thiвgs in \vhich it is possiЫe to shock or to please the msthetic taste, witlюut othe1·\vise affccting the value of these articles for their destined purposes. In this connection it is interesting to look into tl1e past, particularly to those ceвtшies known as the :Мiddle Ages, in which the handic1·afts flourished in special perfection, and to see for ourselves ho� these crafts were pшsued, and exactly what these arts really were. Many people talk learnedly of the delightfu] 1·evival of the arts and crafts without having а very definite idea of the original processes which are being restored to popнlar favour. William Morris himself, although а great шodern spirit, and reformer, felt the


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