2-ая Уральская индустриальная биеннале современного искусства • каталог


Parallel events

Young art program at Winzavod

START is a special program for support and promotion of young Russian artists, founded by the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art in 2008. This is the sole non-profit project of its kind in Russia, and it enables promising young authors to find an audience. The guid- ing principle of the START Project is a new systemat- ic approach for working with young artists. WINZAVOD stresses the realization of fully fledged individual proj- ects by young artists. To date, more than 20,000 applica- tions from throughout Russia have been submitted, and twenty-seven exhibits of the work of younger artists have been installed. The primary goal of the START project is the support and promotion of early-career Russian artists, consisting of sufficient technical and curatorial support. What makes START unique is that it focuses primarily on artists active in Russa’s regions. The START project has been presented at the Shiryaevo Biennale for Contemporary Art, the Krasnoyarsk Museum Biennale, the Contour Festival of Contemporary Art, and White Nights in Perm Festival. One of the goals of START is to allow curators and critics in Russia’s regions to present their own work and get feedback. Thus, “site-specific” exhibitions are followed by qualifying rounds for young artists, where the latter are given the opportunity to exhibit their works directly to curators. In 2011 WINZAVOD launched a new initiative, a nationwide Internet portal project called projectstart. ru. This interactive exhibition space, which consolidates all the participants in the art process, allows younger artists to keep abreast of current events in the art world, find out about new opportunities, and, most importantly, exhibit their work to leading experts and the public at large. Novice authors have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss ideas and concepts, and to gain authoritative opinions and advice.

Anna Omelik and Darya Vorobyova. Imani. The work was on display at 12.15.–01.15.2011

Анна Омелик и Дарья Воробьева, «Имани». В рамках проекта работа экспонирована 15.12.–15.01.2011

Pavel Arseniev. The Spelling is Original. The work was on display at 04.12.–05.13.2012

Павел Арсеньев, «Орфография сохранена». В рамках проекта работа экспонирована 12.04.–13.05.2012

Aslan Gaisumov.  Untitled (War). The work was on display at 10.27.–11.27.2011

Аслан Гайсумов, «Без названия (Война)». В рамках проекта работа экспонирована 27.10.–27.11.2011


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