The Reconstruction of Moscow

100,000 kw., the Frunze Heat-and-Power Station with a capacity bf 50,000 kw., the heat-and-power station of the Stalin Automobile Plant with a capacity of 25^000 kw., fhe heat-and-power station of the AU-Union Heating In- stitute with a capacity of 64,000' kw. and the Moscow Electric Power Station (Moges) with a capacity of 24,000 kw. will be completed in 1937. According to the plan, 390 schools working in a single shift, and accommodating 350,000 children will be built in three years. This number of schools and seats exceeds all the schoor accommodation built in the whole history of Moscow. For the entire decade, 539 schools will be built. Of course in respect to quality the hew schools will be far better than the old ones. In the course of ten years, at least 17 hospitals will be built, with approximately 7,000 beds, and 27 dispen- saries (at present there are 13 dispensaries in Moscow) . According to the plan for serving the cultural require- ments of Moscow, 50 cinemas, 3 houses of culture, one children's house of culture, and 7 clubs will be built dur- ing the course of ten years. To develop Soviet retail trade and public catering, the plan provides for the construction of : 9 large department stores, 5 cold-storage plants with a total capacity of 50,000 tons, underground storehouses for the storing of vegetables with a 600,000 ton capacity, 3 grain elevators with a 175,000 ton caipacity, 6 mechanized baikeries and 5 large factories for supplying semF-prepared food to public dining-rooms.


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