The Reconstruction of Moscow
he built, greatly excelling the old, however, in quality of ■construction, modern conveniences and architecture. In addition to regular residences, the plans provide for the construction of six new hotels with 4,000 apart- ments, exclusive of the Moscow Soviet Hotel on Okhotuy Ryad, and the hotel on the square in front of the Kiev Railway Station. In all, 5,500 hotel rooms and suites will be built. At the present time, there are only 2,250 rooms and suites in all the 22 hotels of Moscow. Hence, in the course of ten years, new hotels having two and a half times more rooms and suites than the number now avail- able as hotel accommodation will be built. It is under- stood that the quality of these new hotels, the appoin- raents and general atmosphere of the new rooms in the hotels, will be far in advance of what they are now. Passenger service within the city will be greatly deve- loped. Besides the construction of the second and third sections of the subway, during the next three years the mumber of street- cars will be increased to 2,650 as against 1,256 before the Revolution. During the same period the number of trolley-buses will be increased tp 1,000: that of motorbuses — to 1,500, and the number of taxis will increase to 2,500. Tramway lines for the fen years will be extended from 450 kilometres to 850 kilometres, i.e., nearly doubled, and, with the development of subwaiy, raotorbus and Irolleybus traffic, will be gradually removed from the centre of the city and transferred to outlying streets. Before the Revolution the streets and squares of Mos- cow were paved almost exclusively with cobblestones. Only 200,000 square metres, or 2 per cent of the Moscow streets and squares, were surfaced with asphalt or setts. This year more than 3,000,000 square metres of the city streets are surfaced with asphalt, setts, or macadam, i.e.,
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