The Reconstruction of Moscow
PLANNING NEW MOSCOW The great October Revolution made Moscow the social- ist capital of the Land of Soviets. Moscow has become the symbol of the construction of socialism. Moscow could not remain' the badly laid-out, dirty <:ity lacking adequate public facilities that it was before the Revolution. That is why, as soon as the Land of Soviets entered the reconstruction period and began to achieve great victories on all fronts of sociaUst construc- tion, Stalin, the far-seeing mentor and leader, confronted ihe Bolsheviks of Red Moscow with a task of such signi- ficance that it will go down in world history — the task of carrying out, in the shortest possible time, the recon- struction of the city and its entire municipal services and enterprises on such a scale as would make Moscow a city лѵогШу of the great title of capital of the mighty socialist fatherland. Socialist cities enjoy great advantages over capitalist «ities in the maitter of planning and reconstruction, pri- marily because in socialist cities private ownership of land and of all means of production is abolished. The notorious Haussmann, the Paris prefect of Bona- parte France, who carried out extensive building altera- tions in Paris in the middle of the nineteenth century.
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