TATLIN NEWS #77 Приложение
D owntown M oscow adjacent to the K remlin has tremendous cultural , social and economic value . S till , today its use is not efficient enough . I t lacks humanity , sense , available and comfortable cultural functions as well as good service . A simple walk unveils the evident : the downtown is rich in business facilities , pathways are sporadic and uncomfortable , amenities and urban design offer poor quality . T he historic city area under review is characterized by densely located historic and architectural monuments , the nation ’ s flagships of art , e . g ., the K remlin museums , the B olshoi M anezh , the N a - tional H istoric M useum , the R ussian S tate L ibrary , the S hchusev N ational M useum of A rchitecture , the P ushkin S tate M useum of F ine A rts , the R umyantsev M useum . T hey are located within walking distance to each other . T his urban area is densely built and flooded with transport and pedestrians . S till it obviously lacks public venues and comfort for pedestrians and tourists .
N ew understanding of its organization is vital for its better and humane use . T he attempt was made by the S hchusev N ational M useum of A rchitecture which proposed the idea of the M useum C luster uniting the largest national museums located in the area with the system of architectural pathways and art venues . T he concept was introduced to the public and approved by the cultural community . T oday the G overnment of M oscow has implemented the program of building pathways in downtown M oscow , thus con - firming the up - to - date nature of the M useum C luster . T he S hchusev N ational M useum of A rchitecture has launched the contest with a challenge to develop a project uniting the cultural facilities located the area in one urban public and cultural site excelling in its substantial and art qualities , as well as to search for new , probably , the most unexpected resources to develop the cultural potential of the area , keeping in mind that it is a stroll across the old city that is an out - of - door museum of architecture . T he objectives included the best integrated solution for developing downtown M oscow in the vicinity of the B orovitskaya S quare , M okhovaya S treet and Z namenka S treet crossroad , V ozdvizhenka and K restovozdvizhensky L ane , implying the formation of the M u - seum C luster , – a brand new urban cultural site excelling in its substantial and art properties . I t should possess a top cultural , economic and political status , become a new symbol of the capital and enhance the global standing of the city and the country . I t should also correspond to the pathway system in downtown M oscow developed in the program of the G overnment of M oscow . T he contest seeks to highlight the problems of the most valuable area in the city , without exaggeration , and outline resources and potential for its development as well as trigger the formation of open and attractive public site excelling in its cultural and humane properties .
I rina K orobina head of the M useum of A rchitecture
T he competition to design M oscow ’ s new M useum C luster launched as part of the “M useum >NEW SPACE” initiative marks the first time ROSBANK joins forces with T he S hchusev S tate M useum of A rchitecture to work on a joint project . W e have been hoping to have a chance to implement a truly challenging idea in collaboration with the famed M useum for a long time now . C ome to think of it , today ’ s financial institutions have a lot in common with contemporary museum institutions . O n the one hand , we work towards the preservation of cultural heritage and of material assets . O n the other , we both see it as our mission to foster change and development , which includes the develop - ment of contemporary culture . N o institution , be it a bank or a museum , can be considered truly contemporary if it fails to promote progress and growth . T hat is why once we learned about the “M useum > NEW SPACE” project we immediately decided to give it our full support and we have
never once looked back . T his project focuses on shaping the cultural scene of the R ussian capital and the concomitant transforma - tions of the urban environment , which call on the participation of all the agencies that have their say in the cultural agenda of the city and its evolution . O ur collaboration with the T he S hchusev S tate M useum of A rchitecture is , thus , valuable to us due to the M useum ’ s obvious potential as a change agent . S uch projects are intended both to reflect and to promote social transformations , which is aligned with our vision of the situation in today ’ s cultural scene . T herefore , we are looking forward to new opportunities to cooperate and hope for a long - term prolific work together .
P avel N efedov director of the institutional communications and advertising department at “R osbank ”
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