TATLIN NEWS #62 Пространство современной архитектуры
T he question of what is the contemporary architecture environment is a philosophical one . A rchitecture organizes the space of human existence . T he profession of architect is there to provide that organization contemporarily and in accordance with the requests of the time . S mart transformation of the surrounding world can be most precisely named as “ the environment of contemporary architecture ”. T his transformation can take place in the parallel universes – in the real life , intellectual sphere , virtual world , projects , buildings , publications , creative experiments – the list may go on and on . T hroughout the existence of the C:CA\C entre for C ontemporary A rchitecture it has formed both informational and cultural “ environment of contemporary architecture ” that contributes to pursuing the actual architectural thought in R ussia and its incorporation in the G lobal cultural process . N ow this activity is integral part of the M useum ’ s of A rchitecture life . T he prior goal is to try turning the social consciousness to the direction of architectural problems and to increase the level of architectural culture in our society on which the whole cultural life directly depends . T oday we can talk about the common understanding of “ contemporary architecture ” as a means for solving multiple problems including social , political , economical , ethical and other ones (“ total architectural reflection ”). T he problem is that such a vision of contemporary architecture is practiced only in very few local centers while the territory of R ussia as it is represents a non - concentrated and uninhabited gigantic space . O f course , there is M oscow – one of W orld ’ s largest megalopolises and a whole number of megacities . B ut looking at the country from the airplane illuminator it will appear that one is flying above borderless woods and fields . I t ’ s a paradox , but the totality of architectural reflection leads unavoidably to the global scale , which causes local mentality to depreciate in its actuality and local centers to lose their absolute importance . I n this context the primal object of attention becomes the global multidimensional space as a whole – all the country ’ s territory . K eeping that in mind we have approached the young architects with a calling to rethink the meaning of “ contemporary architecture ” and to aim their strength at pursuing the total architectural approach as a multidimensional reflection . I t was decided to conduct an open architectural competition addressed to the NEXT generation , which always receives a special role in constructing our common future . T his competition was selected as the most effective form of awakening the thinking process and creative resources while resolving such a complicated issue . T his generation certainly depends on the condition of the architect ’ s profession because the today ’ s architectural projects will become the reality tomorrow . T hese exact young architects that are not burdened with the experience of unavoidable compromises are the ones from whom the revelations are legitimately expected . T he future by right belongs to them . B ut in the present they are in the most complicated state of affairs . T he young cannot treat themselves as real professionals having no experience of realizing their project thoughts in construction that is as a law related with a need to find a compromise and sacrificing both because of the clients and the objective circumstances that can destroy the most innovative and pert ideas . A fter acquiring this experience many architects suffer deep frustration , lose courage . T hat intermediate condition after the education is received but the independent architectural life has not yet started is meant to treat as the most unproductive loss of time . B ut it also can be very valuable for a creative person . I believe that is the time for participating in the professional competition . T he competition of ideas is the most creative state of professional life . M oreover , the competitions allow understanding one ’ s place among the colleagues - competitors and giving a chance to show and distinguish oneself . T he competitive projection back in the days became a school for the “ young architects ” – I van L eonidov . . . A nnouncing the open competition with international participants we approached the students holding a bachelor degree in architecture and certified architects below the age of 35. T here were problems possessed in front of them : to work out a concept of transforming the WHOLE territory of R ussia into “ the environment of contemporary architecture ”, which is an alternative to the existing centrist system . S pecial condition : a 100% use of the territory or R ussia . A t the same time construction is not important . A bout a hundred projects presented in this publication prove the high creative tonus of the NEXT generation and its readiness to deal with the most complicated challenges of the time . T he competition was announced by the M useum of A rchitecture that is a great heritage of R ussia , the basis for its sustainable development for a reason . I t voices a new program of the M useum aimed at generating models of the future for R ussia “ without architectural province ”. I n fact it is the continuation of a tradition brought up by A. V. S chusev – one of the most serious architects in R ussia . I n his creative philosophy the central part was given to the relation between the people ’ s past and future . W hile preserving and studying the past the M useum creates intellectual and cultural space for forming the country ’ s national landscape . T he key role in this long - term and complicated process is given to the NEXT generation .
I rina K orobina , head of the M useum of A rchitecture
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