TATLIN NEWS #62 Пространство современной архитектуры
взгляд на россию в муаре |
даниель дендра* |
vision for Russia at MUAR | daniel dendra*
Ирина Коробьина, директор МУАРа, при- гласила нас высказать свои идеи относитель- но глобальной концепции современной ар- хитектуры в России. Какая сложная задача! Никто никогда не призывал нас подумать о целой стране. Но что значит думать
Irina Korobina, the director of the MUAR, invited us to take part thinking about the global concept of contemporary architecture in Russia. What a great task. No one ever invited us to think about a whole country. But what does it mean to think in terms of a country? What is a Russian contemporary phaenomena that could be reflected through architecture? What is missing in Russia that could be brought to people via the instrument of contemporary architecture? Let´s start with the last question first: What is missing? Russia is a huge country with almost everything and with an almost almighty strength and power of resources. But there is one power that is even stronger: nature. Last summer a heat wave was hitting Russia with temperatures rising up to fourty degrees Celcius for almost two months in Moscow. The effect was devestating and Bloomberg was estimating that around 7.000 people died only in the capital. So a country that is so rich in natural resources and fossil fuel such as gas and oil needs to think about sustainable issues as well. Golbal warming is and will affect everyone in the world and we need to change our behaviour and habits. Contemporary architecture and urban developments can help and should lead the way. But what could be the medium or starting point for this? Is it new laws that we have to pass? Is it taxes or higher prices for energy? All these would probably not be the right starting points in Russia. Something that is inherent in the contemporary Russian society should be facilitated: The RU.NET phenomena. Russian online-citizens are around 70% more active in social media then in other European country. Especially in a country with large distances between cities this bears an enormous possibility. Twitter and Vkontakte are connecting thoughts and people. Platforms
that show pictures of nicely dressed people (fashion addicts) on the streets of Russian cities are changing the way other people are dressing. But this platforms are also locating new IN- districts. The next step of this development
в перспективе целой страны? Что такое русский феномен, как он отображается в архитектуре? Чего не хватает в России и что можно привнести в нее с по- мощью архитектуры? Давайте начнем с послед- него вопросы: чего не хва- тает? Россия – это огромная страна, обладающая практиче- ски всем, страна почти всемогущая
will be the internet of things: we will start to connect the objects that sourround us to the world wide web. So not only people will be hyper connected but also architecture and other elements of every day life. Already today the Tower Bridge in London is tweeting and several thousand people are following the bridge. The bridge is
за счет своих ресурсов. Но есть одна сила, которая возобладает – природа. Прошлым летом жара, доходящая до 40 градусов по Цельсию, опустилась на Россию почти на два месяца. Эффект был разрушительным, и, по оценке Bloomberg, в результате жары погиб- ло 7000 человек только в столице. Значит, страна, полная природными ресурсами и ис- копаемым топливом, таким как нефть и газ, все-таки должна думать и о проблеме устой- чивости. Глобальное потепление влияет и будет влиять на весь мир, и нам приходится менять свое поведе- ние и привычки. Современная ар- хитектура и городское развитие могу и должны прокладывать нам дорогу. Но что может стать отправной точкой для этого? Новые законы? Налоги или увеличе- ние стоимости на энергию? Все это для Рос- сии, вероятно, не подойдет. Должно помочь что-то уже присущее российскому обществу, а именно, феномен RU.NET. Интернет-пользователи в России при- мерно на 70% активнее в социальных медиа,
sending out a tweet whenever a boat is passing underneath and when it is opening and closing. This is not only useful information for people practicing boatspotting but also if the bridge is on our daily way to work. So Russians are online extremely social and this could be used for a bottom up green revolution. People should understand that sustainable cities and architecture mean an increase in quality of life: for instance, if the air is clean and you can easily cycle to work. Smart architecture and smart cities could help us not to stand in a traffic jam for three hours every day. But this green revolution can not be done with huge iconic interventions, it has to start with little every day objects. Our flats should be able to inform us when and how we are wasting energy and we can actually save resources. This could be done by connecting appliances to our social networks and learn from people who already are a step ahead in this movement. Also we could start learning from how people were living and organizing their space in former times. People are sharing medical
108 ТАТLIN news 2|62|93* 2011
пространство современной архитектуры
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