tion, an apartment house located on the high bank of the Volga River in Kazan. This project cannot be compared to architecture and land- scape exercises for country settlements: their scale, layout, landscape and even clients are on a completely different level. Before Velich- kin and Golovanov were invited to participate in bidding for construction on the site, 14 proj- ect proposals had been received. So why has the winning project won? It seems like there are two reasons for that, which, as strange as it may sound, result from their previous private architecture and land- scaping experience. First of all, they paid par- ticular attention to the land plot – architects usually emphasise this aspect. However diffi- cult the land plot allocated for construction may be, design engineers try to make maxi- mum use of its potential. The second reason was their thorough work with interiors and re-

74    ТАТLIN news 5|53|77 2009

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