ing No. 1, does not raise as many disputes as the building No. 1 (whose saw-tooth roof be- came a subject of active disputes at a certain moment of time). Perhaps it was what add- ed to its integrity: architects decided not to frame its glazed main facade with blind vol- umes, which made the surface less tense and dissolved the building to blend with the envi- ronment and brought it in scale with the com- plex. However, the surface of the facade, which reflects the surroundings, does not seem to be monotonous, its relief creating an uneven rhythm of sunken parts. The inner yard of the building is as interesting as its main facade: it features diagonal stairways put out on the facade, cantilevered panels animating smooth walls, and a separate glazed volume, which re- flects what has already been reflected once. The thing about the project that appeals to us most is the approach taken; it is pure his- torical reliability, on the one hand, combining
Что в итоге импонирует в этом проекте больше всего – это подход: совершеннейшая историческая честность: с одной стороны, желание сохранить как можно больше исторической архитектуры, с другой, – создать коммерчески успешный продукт. Именно такое отношение продолжает тенденцию, заданную многими прежними хозяевами с се- редины 19 века – усовершенствование промышленных орудий труда: современное производство – это потребление, а значит, все логично в том, чтобы сделать его объект созвучным времени, в терминах инду- стрии – установить современное оборудование. объект территория фабрики «Красная роза» | место Москва, Россия | начало проектирования 2003 | окончание строительства 2012 (по плану) | заказчик компания «СтройПроект» | архитекторы С. Кисе- лев, В. Швецов, И. Прежежецкий, А. Литовский, Г. Харитонова, О. Мар- ченко, И. Плотицына, Ю. Громченко, К. Дикарева | площадь застройки 5656,9 м 2 | общая площадь 31845,6 м 2 | объем 141133 м 3
efforts to preserve as much of historical archi- tecture as possible, and to create a successful project, on the other hand. This approach de- velops the tendency set by many former hosts going back to the middle of the 19th century - improvement of industrial tools; modern pro- duction is consumption, which means, bring- ing the object in tune with the times is quite logical, and in terms of industry it implies in- stallation of up-to-date equipment. object territory of the factory «Krasnaya Roza» | location Moscow, Russia | develop- ment started 2003 | construction finished 2012 (planning) | customer «StrojProject» Company | architects S. Kisselev, V. Shvetsov, I. Prezhezhetsky, A. Litovsky, G. Kharitonova, O. Marchenko, I. Plotitsina, Yu. Gromchenko, K. Dikareva | construction area 5656,9 m 2 | total area 31845,6 m 2 | construction volume 141133 m 3
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