нее, построена на принципах строгого рационализма. Например, экс- терьер: составленное из отдельных объемов нескольких залов зда- ние облачено в кобальтовую перфорированную оболочку. Днем есте- ственный свет проникает внутрь, демонстрируя очертания сложной конструкции и передвижения людей внутри здания. Ночами же, кото- рые, кстати, в Дании большую часть года продолжительнее светово- го дня, происходит самое интересное – на фасад транслируются ви- деоисталляции – от фрагментов представления до абстрактных форм и цветовых пятен, – делающие постройку не только световой, но и цветовой доминантой района. Впечатление усиливается, как только посетитель входит в здание – здесь движение образов с фасада пе- ремешиваются с движениями людей, фланирующих сквозь них. При- том, что визуальное воздействие очень сильно, им архитектор вовсе не пытается скрыть огрехи здания, даже наоборот – распадаясь на множество фрагментов, отражаясь от криволинейных стен, эти изо- бражения подчеркивают простор и деконструктивный характер про- странства.
colourful spots, are projected onto the facade of the building and make the structure domi- nate the district both in light and colour. This impression gets stronger as soon as the visitor enters the building, where movements of im- ages on the facade are mixed with movements of people strolling through them. Even though the visual influence is very strong, the architect is not trying to use it and conceal flaws of the building; on the contrary, falling into many el- ements and being reflected from curved walls, these images emphasise spaciousness and the deconstructive character of the structure. As to the interior, when Nouvel engaged him- self with its design, he studied a large number of classical samples and found that the pen- tagonal building of Hans Scharoun’s Berlin Philharmonie was the worthiest of them all. In the project of the German architect the hall is arranged as an amphitheatre; people attend- ing the performance can satisfy both their in- herent love of beauty and their natural curios-
built here can bring in some superior purpose, communicate not the shape, but intention to the future yet to come, which is much more im- portant. This is the reason why Nouvel came up with the concept of a blue magic box, which makes others guess what is hidden inside it, and that way interacts with the environment. Inside the box represents a complex system, which constitutes a world closed onto itself. The concept, which seems to be poetical at first, is nevertheless based on principles of strict rationality. Let’s take its exterior as an exam- ple: combining several segments of individual halls, the building is covered with a perforat- ed cobalt shell. During the day natural light penetrates the building, outlining the com- plex structure and emphasising movements of people inside the building. The most interest- ing thing happens at night, and nights in Den- mark are longer than daylight hours for most of the year; video installations ranging from epi- sodes of performances to abstract shapes and
план 1-го этажа | 1st floor plan
план -1-го этажа | -1st floor plan
план 2-го этажа | 2nd floor plan
план 3-го этажа | 3rd floor plan
ТАТLIN news 3|51|74 2009 91
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