dynamic process is automated. The display ar- eas have a sophisticated structure based on dynamics as well: multilevel, although not di- vided into rooms, space bears a certain resem- blance to city – here are streets and squares, and visitor may choose his appropriate route. As thus, in an individual building the archi- tects succeeded in acting out a city traffic dra- ma – just like on the stage. object New Porsche Museum | location Stut- tgart, Germany | development started feb- ruary 2005 | construction complete decem- ber 2008 | customer Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft | architects Martin Josst, Jorg Rasmussen, Torsten Sauer, Tapio Lass- mann, Zoltan Adorjani, Philip Beckmann, Imke Haasler, Hendrik Steinigeweg, Gerhard Golles, Sebastian Brunke, Tom Hindelang | area 28 000 m 2
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