brane that the world and human the seen and the beholder, touch from different sides. A well-sewn suit of an invisible man will fit anyone who thinks about the reverse side of what we see and will be able to shift the vi- sion where ideas are adsorbed, aggregated and born, like Aphrodite from the foamed waves of the language. The first animation edition of the name of this cocoon of heavenly typographics, unwill- ingly turns on the sacral context that natural- ly gives you rich metaphors: what is very curi- ous is the coincidence with the icon painting tradition where the soul was always depicted clad in sheets… The same attribute of litur- gy corporality as metal decorations of the icon turns the fine shape of transparent truths into the folded robe of the absent (or invisible) three-dimensional icon. And in this «encryp- tion of the void» one can see the noble mod- eration of postfigurative art.

And it is known that the main function of icon setting is to create the symbol of non- corporal Light in which the saints stay. Creat- ing the light-beating tissue of perception, the author appears to be rather close to measur- ing the sacred… Perhaps, a friendly spirit of the place would like to stay in this home some time in the future. P.S. Today Plensa’s conceptual plastic qual- ities are in great demand: after the interna- tional success of the Crown Fountain in Chica- go (2004), the water spirit of Aragon and the recent monument to journalists killed on duty on the roof of the BBC building in London, am- bitious cities throughout the world commis- sion him to build multimillion landmarks of their creativity. object House of Knowledge | author Jaume Plensa | location Chatsworth, Great Britain | realisation 2008

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