And as the Dogma team in movies, PLOT declared new standards in architecture – the form should be minimal to allow the depth of the design appear on the foreground. The Ørestad ensemble is not really aesthetic: In VM housing the zigzag planning and protrud- ing balcony triangles, multiplied by the mirror faØade, look threatening. In Mountain Dwell- ing terraced floors are more harmonic, but the triangle form itself seems a little wild. How- ever, the form, as it was already said, is not a value in itself for European architects, so it’s not that frightening. Circulation, infrastruc- ture, environment design, future development oriented strategy – in general, comfort seems to be much more significant. For instance Ø re- stad doesn’t have such population density as Copenhagen, and one could design the resi- dences on a more spread territory, but the sug- gested development plan dictates this kind of pressed-together buildings. This is to avoid the subsequent reconstruction. Calling themselves gatherers of postindus- trial society Ingels and de Smedt collect views and data and then, breaking them down to constituents and mixing them in unexpect- ed combinations, produce fantastic mixtures. This way of working of many European archi- tectural firms, beginning with MVRDV and end- ing with Preipheriques, is almost line breeding, where they don’t just choose one option out of many, but mix them to assemble an opti- mal decision. This happened to Mountain Dwellings as
130 ТАТLIN news 5|47|64 2008
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