Genius Lies in Simplicity | Kanagawa, Ja- pan | Junia ishigami | Facility of Kanagawa institute of Technology | photos courtesy of iCiF | text by Eugenia Bakhturova Junia Ishigami questions the common un- derstanding of architecture. This allows him to create things beyond trends, develop new structures and organize the environment dif- ferently. He deals with both architecture and design, as his mind is very flexible. He says that he wants to fill the culture with new values and he knows exactly what this means and what kind of values are those: simplicity, structure, light, «elasticity» of space, it’s capability of taking different shapes. Of course it should not be taken literally, but the space should be ca- pable of transforming according to the needs of the person. Ishigami sees the space as un- limited and proclaims his task as an architect in letting all others feel this absence of bor- ders. There are no borders, he says, between the internal and external, between the full and the
104 ТАТlIn news 5|47|64 2008
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