useFuL MIneraL | Vna, switzerland | andreas Fuhrimann Gabrielle h ä chler ar- chitekten | house eva Presenhuber | pho- tos by Valentin Jeck | text by evgenia Ba- khturova This little dacha or, as it is more elegantly called in the West, holiday house, seems to have been built in the right place – and that’s its main advantage. This is because the con- text problem is rising high nowadays: there are so many unique buildings that their sensible coexistence seems hardly possible. At Rubly- ovskoye highway outside Moscow every house is better than previous one, all the houses are build by prominent architects and serve as a means of perfecting the devices and develop- ing the graphic language. They are all interest- ing but do not create a whole. If every one of them was standalone and was demonstrated in a separate room, that would be much more impressive. This is on the one side, but on the other side there is a hundred years old village. Peaceful peasants have been breeding cows and sheep for a hundred years here and taking it easy. And, suddenly, there is a misanthropist who prefers simplicity and wants to settle in a peaceful and secluded place and this person chooses the innocent village as a spot to build a unique, aesthetic and very fashionable build- ing. However, it sticks out on the most visible place like who knows what and provokes only quizzical glances. European architects use the
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