tant attribute of postmodernism. It is abso- lutely unimportant whether the emotions will overflow you in the kitchen or under a street lantern. The interior of Intra Studio transfers a luminous object into a luminous effect and though nominally here it is possible to find the same modules with the total area of four square meters, the metaphysics of their impact is quite different. The boxes are still movable and can be adapted to any event taking place in the room, but the most important difference is that the boxes may not only be easily ar- ranged into a certain composition, they can co- operate with each other under any conditions. It is because not the image of the room, but the variations are exhibited. Along the room pe- rimeter there are the light installations, which emphasize this choreographic group and create the environment for the surroundings. Whether it is illumination of the objects in a shop show- window, revival of interior components by light, zooming-in or zooming-out, color three-dimen- sional patterns, structures, shadows, indepen- dence – all this at closer look appears to be only light effects. But is it only? object Intra Studio | location Ljubljana, Slo- venia | beginning of design 2007 | end of construction 2007 | customer Intra Lighting d.o.o. | architects SVA (Jurij Sadar, Bo š tjan Vuga, Tina Ho č evar, Adrian Petrucelli) | light consultant Matej B. Kobav, Graphics: (Gigo Design) | total area 260 m 2
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