to cAtcH AND Dissolve | ljubljana, slo- venia | sADAr vuGA ArHiteKti | intra stu- dio | photos courtesy of the project authors | text by eugenia bakhturova Jurij Sadar, Bo š tjan Vuga have been work- ing together for more than 15 years and dur- ing this period they have managed to create several dozens of designs, which have not only won different competitions but have also been realized. No Russian, who subdivides the ar- chitecture into the paper architecture, which is interesting only to the professionals, and to the realized architecture, to which the experts practically pay no attention, would be able to understand it. But once having set the system of coordinates, in which the development vec- tor becomes the basis of the new system of standards, the energetic Slovenians are not go- ing to stop. A new understanding of space and social interactions, making the inhabitants to live and to perceive the environmental con- text, is a new formula of their work. They use the formula working over all their designs, and it is this universality that makes the bureau’s architecture so interesting. Here it is impossi- ble to find especially effective and dramatic flight of fancy, striking the imagination, but at the same time this is not the middle-of-the- line burgher merchandise. It is a truly innova- tional architecture, which is neither kitsch nor tawdry. However, it draws the viewers’ atten- tion. It is based on the experience of the past but at the same time it gracefully correlates
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