constant change of sets is written down in the screenplay, the authors ignored the great vari- ety of architectural d é cor available, which nev- ertheless did not deprive the interior of some unique elements. The main highlight of the building is the bathroom located in the cen- tre of the entrance hall and designed by Olafur Eliasson, an artist. There were all conditions to successfully build the theatre – a spectacular location, an ample budget, a poetic image and resources provided by contemporary art. The result has come up to the expectations – the National Opera Theatre was opened in the presence of persons of distinction, which was accompa- nied with applause and praises. Now this lo- cation is popular both with music lovers and all those who just want to walk along the em- bankment and enjoy the nature and its man- made likeness. object New Opera House in Oslo| location Oslo, Norway | construction completed 2008 | сlient Ministry of Church and Cultural Affairs
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