иСтория перМСкой ХудожеСтвенной галереи

по разнообразию коллекций пермскую го- сударственную художественную галерею на- зывают «уральским Эрмитажем». галерея хра- нит произведения искусства разных стран, эпох, художественных школ. здесь живопись, графика, декоративно-прикладное искусст- во России и западной европы, древнего егип- та и античности, японии, китая, индии, тибе- та. самые древние памятники датируются эпо- хой среднего и нового царств древнего египта (II–I тыс. до н.э. – II в. н.э.) и античности (VI в. до н.э. – II в. н.э.). к новейшим произ- ведениям относятся работы, созданные худож- никами России, стран европы и америки в кон- це ХХ – начале ХХI века. собрание галереи на- считывает около 50 тыс. единиц хранения. уникальные коллекции – результат подвиж- нического труда нескольких поколений музей- щиков, начиная с первых организаторов музея. коллекции формировались на протяжении ХХ века – почти столетней истории художествен- ной галереи. история образования провинци- ального музея отражает и историю общества, и его вкусы, и художественные пристрастия в различные времена. в 1890 в перми был создан научно-про- мышленный музей, при котором в 1902 был от- крыт художественный отдел. вначале – почти формально, но к 190 году здесь уже значи- лись произведения профессора академии ху- дожеств, исторического живописца в.п. ве- рещагина и его брата, академика пейзажной живописи п.п. верещагина, подаренные род- ному городу. поступили дары н.М. гущина, жи- вописцев братьев п.а. и а.а. сведомских и др. Это и послужило основой формирования кол- лекций Художественного музея, открывшего- ся ноября 1922 года и позднее получивше- го название – пермская художественная гале- рея. оценивая событие 1922 года, заведующий пермским музеем а.к. сыропятов (1882–1954) писал: «открытием в перми Художественного музея положено начало большому и серьез- ном делу, значение которого при нормальном его развитии подлежит оценивать в широком, общереспубликанском, но отнюдь, не только пермском масштабе». история поступления в галерею произве- дений в 1920–30-е гг. драматична. национа-

the state art gallery of Perm Is one of the BIggest regIonal museums In russIa. since 1930 it has been housed in the building of the former Cathedral of Christ Trasfiguration. The cathedral was built on the high bank of the Kama-river in 1792–1832. now its spire bell tower can be seen from almost anywhere around and is considered to be the real landmark in the city space. The perm Gallery is known to be an art museum of the hermitage type. It possesses a variety of diverse collections with over 42000 items in numerous kinds of art originated from russian and European art schools as well as oriental countries of the 15th c. and the early 21th c. The oldest items are referred to the period of the Middle and the new Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt (2000–1000 BC – 2nd c. AD) and antiquity (6th c. BC – 2nd c. AD) The latest works of art created by the artists of russia, Europe and Ameri- ca were acquired in 1996–2001. The most complete and integral gallery collections are those of the native russian art, i.e. perm wooden sculptures, gold- thread embroidery, icons (16th-early 20th c.), paintings, sculp- tures, drawings , applied art, collections of glass, porcelain, cult bronze casts and enamel objects, numismatics and folk art of the 18th and the early 21st c. The gallery collection as a whole has got an interesting back- ground that perfectly reflects the history of the society, its val- ues, artistic preferences and priorities in different periods of its existence. The collections of the unique works of art are the re- sult of selfless devotion of several generations of museum staff beginning with the organizers of the gallery. In 1890 the sci- entific Industrial Museum was opened in perm. Just at the start of its performance the museum board laid down the aim «to establish a specialized department of art and photography». In 1902 the department was founded. By the decision of the museum board its chairman, doctor of medicine p.n. serebry- ennikov and the custodian I.G. ostroumov appealed to the out- standing artists of russia, mostly natives of the Ural land as well as various art institutions all over russia, to donate their works of art to the museum in perm. By 1907 the museum had come into possession of a con- siderable collection of valuable objects of high artistic qual- ity such as paintings bequeathed by V.p. Vereschagin, donated by V.A. plotnikov who had been born in the Urals, works of art bought from p.A. and A.A. svedomskys, n.M. Guschin as well as paintings received from the Academy of Arts and A.I. Kuindzy Art society. soon after the revolution of 1917 since 1920 regular expe- ditions were arranged to the remote districts of perm region searching and collecting the objects of art and culture. Apart from the local sources the collections were enriched through the peoples Comissariat of Education Department of painting Art. nationalization of private collections, their transformation into the state-owned property, establishment of the state Mu- seum Fund with its branches in Moscow and petrograd (1921- 28) that provided the collections for the art museums in the province – those were the developments of museum and art pol- icies of the new state. In 1929–38 a number of items of high artistic value were transferred to perm from the russian Museum, Tretyakov Gal- lery and the Hermitage. november 7, 1922 is a remarkable date in the cultural life of perm when the Art Museum was opened. primarily, it was a part of the state regional Museum and later in 1936 it became an independent art museum.

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