The DriLL PrinciPLe | Yekaterinburg, russia | Shaposhnik’s architectural work- shop | Personal car garage and parking | photo by robert Pomortsev | text by Maria Yankovskaya Today every citizen of a megalopolis knows what rush hours and hours-long traffic jams are. The city is filled with cars, and every day their number keeps increasing. This causes a severe problem of construction, expanding the roads and creating parking lots. Multi– storey parking structures, both underground and above-the-ground, are the only way to ac- commodate thousands of cars taking over the city. The architectural solution of this problem is to find the optimum combination of function, a relatively low price of such construction and
at the same time make sure they do not dete- riorate the urban landscape. It was the first time architects Vladimir and Lyubov Shaposhnik worked with this type of structures. «They sat down and started think- ing» – this is how they characterize the proc- ess of conceiving the idea. Initially they pro- posed a complex development that included a parking and a residential building, taking into consideration the pond nearby, the de- velopment along the water and the green area being included into the general plan. But the chief architect of the city declined the residen- tial complex proposed, and the area allocated for the boulevard became a new construction site. As requirements and standards of a multi- storey parking were taken into account, the
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